How do I descale my pool water?

How do I descale my pool water?
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Too hard water causes scaling on the walls and bottom of the pool. It looks not only unsightly, but can also lead to the destruction of the entire structure. Therefore, it is worth systematically descale the water in the pool.

How does the formation of scale in the pool?

Scalein the pool is mainly formed from an excess of magnesium and calcium in the water. When these minerals are too much, they precipitate in the form of sediment on the bottom and walls of the pool.

Scale deposits are also a big problem for your pool’s water supply and water filtration pumps. If you neglect the regular decalcification of the pool, the pool pump and the pool filters can fail.

You can find pool water decalcification products in supermarkets and online stores. Many stores also offer preparations for crystallizing minerals in the water. An additional advantage of these preparations is the removal of heavy metals from the water. Preparations of this type should be applied to the water before adding chlorine.

Swimming pool water descaling step by step

  1. Pour water into the pool.
  2. Add the amount of descaler recommended by the manufacturer.
  3. Turn on the pool pump.
  4. Leave the pool with the pump on overnight.
  5. The next day, add the chlorine preparation to the pool.

Scaling and pH of water

A major contributor to scale build-up in a backyard pool is the high pH of the water. This has a negative impact on scale build-up and the health of pool-goers. High water pH can lead to, among other things:

  • deterioration of hair and nails,
  • skin allergies.

To lower the pH of the water it is worth using chemical agents available in stores. Remember not to lower the pH of the water below 7 (too low a level can lead to corrosion of metal components of the pool).

Acid for decalcification of the pool

When the pool is contaminated with too much scale, it is worth using acid-based descalers. Such preparations should be used very carefully – pools made of plastic can be damaged by acid. Acid-based descalers are necessary to remove scale from the pool water filtration systems.

In situations where the pool cannot be cleaned with acid descaler, the entire pool must be drained and the pool must be manually cleaned with a cloth and mild cleaning detergents. This solution is very time-consuming, but it should be done when the available pool decalcifying agents are insufficient

How to clean the bottom of the pool of scale?

At the bottom of the backyard pool very often accumulates sediment and limescale. To clean the bottom of the pool will be ideal pool vacuum cleaner (manual or automatic), which cleans the bottom of the pool filled with water.

A handheld pool cleaner is inexpensive and easy to use – it is powered by human muscle power. This type of vacuum is great for cleaning kiddie pools and small vernal pools.

Automatic pool cleaner is powered by rechargeable battery, batteries or electricity. This type of vacuum cleaner is recommended for large garden pools. Some models of automatic vacuum cleaner can be connected to a pump that filters the pool water.

How to protect the pool from scaling?

Regardless of whether the water to the pool is from the well or from the mains, it is worth applying treatments that will eliminate or reduce the occurrence of scale on the walls and the bottom of the pool.

1. Measure the pH level of the pool water.

Scale build-up occurs in alkaline water – pH above 7.4. Ideally, the pool water should have a pH of 7.0 to 7.4. To lower the pH of the pool water, it is worthwhile to use products in tablets or granules.

2. Use a lime scale remover.

As a preventative measure, you should use lime scale remover to remove lime scale from the water. These agents come mainly in liquid or granular form.

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