How many minutes to cook the eggs?

How many minutes to cook the eggs?
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Preparing hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs seems quite simple on the surface. However, one minute can make a huge difference in how it will taste. Want a quick breakfast? See how many minutes to hard boil and soft boil eggs.

Before you start hard boiling or soft boiling eggs, it’s good to know that they should be fresh. It’s best to take them out of the refrigerator beforehand so they’re at room temperature. You can also simply wash them under warm running water.

How many minutes to soft boil eggs? A lot depends on how big they are. Most often this is determined quite like clothing: small S, medium M, and large L. Larger ones require a little longer cooking.

There are two ways to cook eggs. The first is to put them in a pot of cold water and then boil them. With this method you need:

  • 2 minutes after boiling for S eggs,
  • 3 minutes for M eggs,
  • 4 minutes for L eggs.

The second way is to cook the eggs after putting them in the boiling water. It is best to do this with a spoon and quite carefully so that they do not break. Here you need to give them successively:

  • 4 minutes for small eggs,
  • 5 minutes for medium M eggs,
  • 6 minutes for large M eggs.

Now let’s move on to how much to hard boil eggs. Here the time needs to be increased a bit. It is best to pour cold water, place the eggs inside and cook:

  • 7 minutes S eggs,
  • 8 minutes for M size eggs.
  • 9-10 minutes eggs the largest, or L.

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