How do I disinfect my phone?

How do I disinfect my phone?
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Do you use your smartphone whether at work, the store, while walking, or later at home on the couch? Frequently touching your cell phone can transmit bacteria and viruses. It also makes it difficult to leave your device in strange and not always sterile places. See how to disinfect your phone to minimize health risks.

Some tips on how to disinfect your phone

First of all, you need to start disinfecting your phone with clean and dry hands. Before you start cleaning, wash them in warm soapy water for at least 30 seconds. The phone should not be plugged into an electrical outlet and should have a case.

To disinfect and clean your smartphone, it is not a good idea to use hand gels or strong detergents that can damage it. You also can’t immerse it in cleaning solutions.

Water and hand soap

The optimal solution is to disinfect your phone wet, with a microfiber cloth moistened with water and hand soap. Remember that the soft cloth should not be dripping wet, it should just be damp. Wipe your phone, then wipe it dry with a second microfiber cloth.

Microfiber cloth for dry cleaning

If you don’t have a phone that’s waterproof or you’re worried about moisture getting inside the case through the headphone input, for example, you can use a dry microfiber cloth. Wondering how it works? The soft fabric removes grease stains, which is where most microbes are deposited. Remember to keep the dry cloth clean and free of crumbs.

Wet wipes with alcohol

You can also use special wet wipes, exactly the kind used to clean glasses. At the drugstore you can also get ready-made wipes soaked in 70% alcohol.

When should I disinfect my phone?

It is best to disinfect the phone once a week, but in the autumn and winter, when bacteria and viruses are rampant in the air, it is better to do it much more often.

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