Cleaning schedule – table, examples

Cleaning schedule – table, examples
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Organizing the cleaning of your home can be a challenge. It’s a good idea to plan specific activities, and a cleaning schedule can help. See examples so you can create a chart on your own and add to it!

How do I plan my cleaning schedule?

In fact, there are many ways to organize your cleaning and do general house cleaning. It all depends on how much free time you have and how big your family is.

A cleaning schedule will make it much easier for you to stay organized at home. It is also a good way to make yourself aware of what needs to be cleaned on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Print out your cleaning schedule and hang it on your fridge or pin board. It is also worth noting that regular cleaning and tidying not only makes your home cleaner, but also safer and more comfortable.

Printable schedule

The weekly schedule is designed to divide chores into specific days. You can, of course, choose one day of the week and take care of everything during that time, but you can also consider doing specific tasks every day. This way you will save a lot of time and will not lose, for example, Saturday for cleaning. The weekly schedule can also include daily chores, as well as activities that are only worth doing once a week, such as putting in the laundry with the kitchen towels

In addition, it is a good idea to include in the schedule who is responsible for each activity. Involve all household members in the chores. If you have children, adjust the activities according to their age.

Cleaning Schedule Examples

How do you organize your cleaning time so that you also have time for yourself? For example, daily chores include:

  • making the bed,
  • cleaning countertops,
  • washing dishes,
  • putting things back where they belong,
  • taking out the garbage.

Once a week you will also need to iron, vacuum, water the flowers, mop the floors, clean the appliances, clean the bathroom fixtures and dust the furniture. You can schedule each of these chores on a different day or you can clean the house by room.

Once a month, you can schedule cleaning the refrigerator and oven and vacuuming the mattress and upholstered furniture.

Photo source: Designed by Freepik

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